October Story Part 3 - Terrence Starts a Family

I decided not to send Terrence and Kristen on a fancy honeymoon since I really didn't want to go. Instead, I let them enjoy their time off while I added a few new houses. One was a CJ Play's shell challenge entry, but I don't know whose. They did a really good job with the floor plan. It looks intentional, unlike mine with odd design choices. I also added in Mrs. Flynn's versions based on the same house I used for Terrence's house. They were unfurnished, so I've been furnishing them based on who moves in. (More on this toward the end of this episode.) As for the Bloodstons, they got busy with baby-making. One evening, they had to cut a date short because Kristen wasn't feeling well. At first she thought she had ingested some bad sushi from the bar, but this wasn't the case. Sure enough, there was a baby on the way. In the meantime, the Bloodstons acquired a temporary roommate named Dayna Fisk. (I think roommate service was activated when Terrence aske...