Life and Times of Sandi French - part 4 - Fiona's Day Out, Baby Thor / Falling Out With Jared, Molly's Business Venture, Off to College

Fiona had been working hard and was in need of a day out. Her love interest Hannah Briggs had moved on to someone else, but she and Fiona were still good friends and enjoyed some time at the pool. Later, she went to the spa and salon and found River there. She asked River for help in creating a new look for her. "Can you help me look hip and up to date? I feel like such an old lady lately." "Sure Mom; I'm up on all the latest trends in both fashion and hairstyles. I've even learned some tips with make-up to help hide those unsightly wrinkles!" "Well, what do you think?" asked River. "Is this really what all the cool kids are wearing? I just don't think it's me." She drew a lot of strange looks when she went out in public. River, how could you do this to your poor mother! Meanwhile, Molly was trying to pin Jared down on how much he was willing to do in way of supporting his baby. "The baby will be arriving soon, Jared. How in...