Adventureland #20 - Town Growth, Roger's life, Spooky Day and more
As we learned in the last installment, Daisy Kadukin seems to be the desire or many of the younger guys in town. This includes Jack Ransone and Santo Bobo. Santo is having second thoughts as he wants to start a family of his own someday, and Daisy is beyond child-rearing age. It appears the decision has been made for him. I think Santo was a little shook up when he learned the news, probably because he didn't know about it until he ran into Daisy and her new husband at the restaurant. Boyd Medley had invited him out in order to get to know him better and gain some celebrity influence. After buying the newlyweds some drinks, Boyd realized Santo had disappeared. He found him in the journalism office playing video games, and tried to cheer Santo up. Hey! That's mean, Boyd! Graciela couldn't help losing control of her bladder at Grim's door! She was glitched. I'm ashamed of you for bringing it up, even if it boosted Santo's spirits. Meanwhile, I moved Daisy in to t...