Riverview Updated Part 4 - Pairing up; What NOT to Do at a Funeral

Disclaimer: My computer crashed part way through this episode, so what you see here may or may not be exactly as things happened. Jameel Van Guile continued his pursuit of Becky Baker. He called her up and asked her to meet him at the bookstore. Becky suggest they go grab a snack after they do their shopping and browsing. Jameel thought that was a great idea. Poor Jameel doesn't understand boundaries, and came on a little too strong in the beginning. Becky already has a boyfriend named Juston Hutchison whom she met at work (I think.) Becky asked why they couldn't just be friends who met up to go jogging together and things like that. Jameel decided to try and impress her with the fact that he fights for justice as a police officer. He learned that Becky is a sucker for a guy in uniform. Throw in a gift of flowers, and Jameel just might stand a chance. It looks like he made it to first base! Congrats, Jameel. I couldn't find an option for Jameel to ask her to break up with...